Friday, December 27, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Fall and Rise of the Roman Empire Essay - 637 Words
How powerful the Roman Empire was! Rome the ultimate country of its time slowly declined and vanished from our world. After starting with a small settlement off the Tiber River in Italy Rome expanded its borders and claimed territory around the entire Mediterranean and more. Rome also lasted for over a thousand years elapsing over late B.C.E and early C.E. In spite of all that, Rome was far from perfect. This powerful state was brought to its collapse through challenges that would be cataclysmic to the governments of world powers today. Rome’s descent was mostly from the inside out. Internal issues of Rome such as political turmoil, social apathy, weakening military, and over taxation fueled this country’s decline. Social apathy was†¦show more content†¦The poorly executed drafts caused the army to be short staffed and rely on mercenaries. Mercenaries are foreign soldiers; their loyalty is only to the money that the state pays them. Mercenaries left Rome vulner able when the state could not pay them. In addition to this the early Roman Empire wore breastplates and helmets during battles and preformed ground drills to practice for combat (Document 2). Due to negligence both the armor and drill were removed and the late Roman Empire fought with very little protection; archers then picked off many soldiers leading to the loss of great Roman cities and still no one thought to restore the armor (Document 2). The military also had to deal with an outside threat the Huns. The Huns were a group of wild, nomadic people; they lived a life of savagery and were considered ungovernable (Document 5). These people had no sense of right and wrong; they slaughtered all those who lived around them (Document 5). If the late Roman military was a better-organized force the Huns may not have been such a threat towards the empire. A government must put time, effort, and care into its military, if it hopes to be successful. The government of Rome had an economic problem of over taxation as well. As a result of the weak army the empire needed extra money to maintain it; leading to strangling taxation on the citizens (Document 8). With over taxation polluting the economy tenants were forced to leave their farms, along with businessmen andShow MoreRelatedThe Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Essay1041 Words  | 5 PagesThe era dominated by Roman empire is one the most well-known and influential periods of history, home to famous names from Julius Caesar to Jesus Christ. At its height, Rome’s territory stretched from the Atlantic coastline to the Middle East, reigning over 60 million people, one-fifth of the population of the ancient world. However, the Roman empire’s treatment of their conquered people’s and their own citizens ultimately led to the permanent downfall of Rome. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Life Cycle Costs for Groceries and Magazines-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLife Cycle Costs for Groceries and Magazines. Answer: About the company Among the famous companies in Australia, Woolworths is rated as a high-end retail company that contributes to about 80% of the success that in the Australian retail market. The company is famous for providing services that include groceries, magazines, DVDs, and household products (, 2018). The purpose of this assignment is to identify the problems faced by the maintenance engineers and the manner in which Woolworths uses the life cycle costs to value the longevity of its products. Problems of maintenance engineers As observed by Rivera and Azapagic (2016), Woolworths faces engineering problems in the form of technical competency. The reason behind this is that due to its large number of stores, the company struggles to maintain its inventory thereby, reducing the technical competency of the business. The reason behind this being an engineering problem is that the engineers of the company do not have the proper skill to continue with the managing of the inventory. Needs and expectations of the stakeholders The stakeholders play an important role in the progress and expansion of a company. Similarly, in the case of Woolworths, the satisfaction of the stakeholders provides opportunities for an increase in the market. The needs and expectation of the stakeholders vary with the characteristics and power of the stakeholders. For example, customers need and expect good quality of products while the employees of Woolworths need and expect proper motivation and work environment (Driessen, Arts van Houtum, 2017). The scope of Woolworths to meet the expectations The scope of Woolworths can be identified by its aim. Woolworths aim at maintaining customer satisfaction along with the satisfaction of the employees. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to ensure that the needs and demands of the stakeholders are maintained in a manner that can provide proper financial gains for the company. Level of a documented system for maintenance development Woolworths can apply the life cycle cost method to ensure that the maintenance of the company can be maintained. Simonen (2014) stated that the documentation system could help in understanding the requirements of the stakeholders and at the same time ensure that the legal procedure of the Government is maintained. The development can be maintained by complying with the legal documents of the market. Commitment and support from leadership In order to ensure that the expectation of the stakeholders are met and mitigate the problems faced by the engineer, the leaders of Woolworths need to undertake the responsibility to ensure that the commitment of the employees is maintained (Stark, 2015). At the same time, it is also necessary that the leaders provide support to the employees in terms of taking innovative decisions such as re-creating a food or household product. Longevity of Life Cost Cycle for maintenance The application of life cycle cost for maintaining products is used to plan, design and implement the assets of a company (Hellweg Canals, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that the longevity of the life cycle costs in Woolworths can be calculated until the proper execution of a particular product. This decreases the life cycle cost of the company and hence, its competitors can replace the products from the market. Identifying gaps in the current practice After analysing the competency of Woolworths, it can be said that the inventory of the company provides a proper analysis of the gap in its practice. The maintenance of the inventory of the products provides an opportunity to analyse the gaps that exist in the current production of the company. Therefore, the application of tools such as the NPV model can help Woolworths continue with a proper business proposition. Conclusion Therefore, a conclusion can be made based on the implementation of the life cycle process. The cost incurred by the company is effective for maintaining the profitability Woolworths. The critical success factor of Woolworths can be in the form of applying alternative tools and systems that can help in the maintaining the stability in terms of finance and productivity of the organisation. Hence, recommendations can suggest about the application of alternative tools for development. Suggestion and recommendation The application of NPV tool as an alternative approach can help Woolworths to continue with the business in a steady manner. Woolworths can calculate the current value to ensure the manner in which innovation can be maintained in the company. The value gained by the company can help in the implementation of life cycle costs and ensure that Woolworths maintain its positive hold in the Australian market. Reference Driessen, J. P. C., Arts, J. J., van Houtum, G. J. J. A. N. (2017). Optimal commonality and reliability: a life cycle costs perspective. Hellweg, S., Canals, L. M. (2014). Emerging approaches, challenges and opportunities in life cycle assessment. Science, 344(6188), 1109-1113. Rivera, X. C. S., Azapagic, A. (2016). Life cycle costs and environmental impacts of production and consumption of ready and home-made meals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 214-228. Simonen, K. (2014). Life cycle assessment. Routledge. Stark, J. (2015). Product lifecycle management. In Product Lifecycle Management (Volume 1) (pp. 1-29). Springer, Cham. (2018).{{metaController.metaData.title}}. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2018].
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Truman Show movie
Directed by Peter Weir, ‘The Truman Show Movie’ is a captivating film produced in 1998. It is set in the city of New York. The film explores the life of a man who is not aware that the world is getting his every action through a television broadcast, whether eating or sleeping, since his childhood.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Truman Show movie specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Employing the elements of literature, Weir uses characters like Truman Burbank, the major character, Silvia, Truman first love, Christof, the creator, among others. Truman has been enclosed for 30 years in a dome with a set ‘sea haven’ that captures everything that happens. His life is under a strict control of his creator, Christof who ensures that he never suspects anything related to the show which only targets him. This overview tackles the writer’s purpose, the life of Truman in relation to that of Jesus Christ as well as that of Christof in relation to that of God. Weir’s purpose in this film was to develop some crucial themes evident in the current world. He has clarified the theme of ‘the big picture’ referred to as a world in a world. â€Å"Since Truman lives in a television studio and doesn’t know the outside world exists, he is not able to see the big picture†(MacGaffin, 2007). This relates to the people who believe in life after death, implying their imagination of another world different from their current one. Weir is showing the big picture people do not see. The theme of fear stands out clear in the film. Truman is in deep fear of water and to arrest this situation he needs to seize it. The writer emphasizes on the various barriers that people encounter in life and that if they are in want of a better life, they ought to develop the courage of finding out this life by fighting all the hindering obstacles. The theme of determinat ion has also been developed. Truman has realized that he ought to cross the sea, though immeasurable, in order to get in touch with this other life he imagines of as being better than his current one. This is meant to induce the willpower of those who yearn for success showing them how it is possible for them to achieve their imaginings.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The film makes it clear that there exist similarities and differences between Truman and Jesus Christ. For instance, Truman is known everywhere just like Jesus Christ. Basing on the birth and childhood life of Jesus Christ, it is evident that neither His ‘being conceived’ nor his ‘being born’ is liked by people of His time. This follows from the fact that His poor mother cannot get any, to offer her a place conducive for child bearing. He is born in a manger. Truman on the other hand is an adopted kid selected from five redundant pregnancies showing how his birth is not welcomed. Also Jesus has lived on Earth where everything is not as He wishes it be. All is weird but he manages to conquer all temptations that can deprive Him is divine powers. So is Truman. He realizes that his present environment is not what it ought to be for him and therefore manages to overcome any barrier that prevents him from attaining the one that suits him. Contrary to Jesus, Truman is unaware of what is happening around him. Jesus knows everything even before it happens. Jesus is in love with the church as one body while Truman has two, Sylvia and Meryl, and behaves in some unpredictable manners unlike Jesus Christ. Christof is likened to God, though there appears to be some striking differences between them. For instance, Christof being the author of Truman’s world relates to God who is the chief designer of humankind. In addition, God is depicted as being in control of everything just like Christof is in control of Truman’s life. He prevents him from getting in touch with his real self. God is depicted as one who will speak from heaven, in a loud voice to the people, telling them the nature of His son and the day and hour of His coming to save people.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Truman Show movie specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It also stands out that following Truman’s escape, Christof gets the opportunity to speak of Truman’s nature using loudspeakers. A major contrast between them is that God is omnipotent and able to overcome all powers but Christof powers are seen to be overcome by Truman when he manages to escape from the dome. In conclusion, Weir has managed to clearly show how people are barred from reaching the top of their dreams. He has given a clear illustration of how barriers can be overcome and the kind of life expected as a result. His story is quite relevant even today for people who have been forced by circumstances to live a life dominated by stress and hardships. Weir has offered a working solution and that, determination knows no barrier. Reference List McGaffin, T. (2007). The Truman Show: A Metaphorical Analysis. Retrieved from on 13, Oct, 2010. This essay on The Truman Show movie was written and submitted by user Amelie Mccarthy to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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