Saturday, January 4, 2020

Native American Storytelling Lit Paper - 1214 Words

Native American Storytelling November 12, 2012 ENG/301 Native American Storytelling Native American literature is the root of cultural storytelling, which is told through oral tradition, this consist of stories and songs verbally. Native American literature use literary conventions in the root of myth and symbolic examples in storytelling. The book â€Å"Native American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology† gives good insight into the Native American ways of life and how storytelling is a part of that life. Short stories by Simon Oritz and Luther Standing Bear share life experience and cultural diversity. The reader can see how historical, social and political, and cultural ways play a role in the Native Americans storytelling.†¦show more content†¦252). Tricksters come in many forms â€Å"such as Raven, Spider and Coyote are characters in Native American mythology who represent the underside of human nature† (Sinnaeve, 2012). â€Å"In this literary critical context, a trickster uses sleight of hand and tongue to evade, manipulate, and subvert the colonial world† (Cox, 2005, p. 252). In the poem â€Å"My Father’s Song† written by Simon Ortiz, the poem speaks of the importance of creation. The creation of life, land, and plantation, the story is about a boy who is learning to planet corn. â€Å"We planted corn one spring at Acu – we planted several times but this one particular time I remember the soft damp sand in my hand† (Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). Within the field the boy and his father found a nest of mice, the father showed the boy how to gentle pick them up, and take them to the end â€Å"of the field and put them in the shade† (Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). The purpose of literary conventions in storytelling helps to educate the new generation, â€Å"These stories have been carried down orally for generations, often by parents teaching their children about fundamental cultural truths† (Sinnaeve, 2012). The Native American people went through many changes throughout history, social and political, and cultural events. A social and political event was the education of young Native Americans. In 1879, many Native American children wereShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesRESPONDENTS †¢ FOCUS ⠝  Luthans, Rosenkrantz, and Hennessey (1985) †¢ 52 managers in 3 organizations †¢ Participant observation of skills demonstrated by most effective versus least effective managers ⠝  Curtis, Winsor, and Stephens (1989) †¢ 428 members of the American Society of Personnel Administrators in the United States †¢ (1) Skills needed to obtain employment †¢ (2) Skills important for successful job performance †¢ (3) Skills needed to move up in the organization Employment Verbal communication Listening

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