Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Beauty And The Beast An Epic Hero Myth - 1703 Words

70% of ladies admitted that they would ignore or avoid a potential love interest because of the way they looked (Buchanan). We live in a world where superficial beauty is an important advantage especially when choosing a partner in life. People try their hardest to look attractive and gone are the days when inner beauty are more accounted for. What if you have the opportunity to choose between an understanding, kind but not good-looking guy and an inconsiderate, selfish but stunningly appealing man? The 2017 Disney movie Beauty and the Beast is an epic hero myth which shows us that real love and beauty are not only about physical appearance but looking beyond what you can see and seeing one’s character within. The film Beauty and the†¦show more content†¦The Beauty and the Beast starts with a lively music in the castle which immediately set us into action. A castle full of expensive housewares and beautiful ladies wearing white gowns dancing to the music represent perfection. The ball is interrupted by a knock from an unexpected beggar who offered the insensitive prince a rose for shelter. The loud thunderclap and the way the chandelier lights were blown off by the wind intensified the scene. When he refuses, the beggar transformed into an enchantress and changed him into a hideous beast and his servants into housewares. The camera angle which showed the shadow figure of the prince turning to a beast was amazingly done. She casts a spell on the rose and it would only be broken if he could learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell. On the other hand, Belle starts the film in a small lively village which implies peacefulness and security. Be lle is a simple, creative girl wanting to leave her monotonous village life to explore new things and go to an adventure. This came true when her horse Philippe went home anxiously without Maurice, her father. The way the horse neighed repeatedly implied that something is wrong. Belle, without hesitation, stormed off to the castle where her father was imprisoned and took his place asShow MoreRelatedEssay about Exposition of Mythology846 Words   |  4 Pageshave been studying this deep and complex issue and have come to the conclusion that without myths history would not be the same. In this paper I will discuss what myths are and how scholars have broken them down. Scholars such as Joseph Campbell go into great detail to explain mythology and how it effects the human life. First you must determine what a myth is? Websters New Riverside Dictionary defines a myth as, A traditional story originating in a preliterate society, dealing with supernaturalRead MoreMythology in the Ancient World2263 Words   |  10 PagesMyths exist in every part of the world and are an integral part of the culture and identity. Ancient societies relied heavily on mythology to entertain, to answer questions, to explain and to implement social expectations. 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