Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Clothing Has A Impact On People And Their Behavior
What people choose to specifically put on and how they present themselves, they make a decision every single day of their lives. Sometimes, it allows people to express themselves and show the outside world who they genuinely are. However, other times it allows people to become an entirely different person for example, if the clothing doubles as a costume for a play or theatrical event. Clothing has a significant impact on people and their behavior than majority people would like to consider. For example, school. School, in which students are surrounded by teachers and peers. Peers who will make fun of others if the clothing is not from a specific store or if it does not parallel the â€Å"in†style. These hurtful comments can drag down self-esteem and confidence and affect how well they are able to participate and focus on their studies. Implementing a school uniforms in public school can benefit the school and the students academically in their grades, behavior in the classro oms, and confident interaction with their peers. The fact always remains that people will always judge another by looks. Maybe we don’t let that be the permanent impression that one individual will leave with us. As previously stated clothing is one of the key factors on how people will judge another. For instance, if you saw a man with battered clothes and a battered cardboard sign asking for work, you would automatically assume he is either one of two things. Option one, he is homeless and is in desperateShow MoreRelatedSustainability And Its Impact On The Environment1365 Words  | 6 PagesEnvironmental Protection Agency, 2015). For the purpose of this proposal, sustainability will be addressed from an environmental aspect, as well as an economic aspect. It is important to discuss the impact that apparel choices have on the environment. 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